These days I am reviewing some of the debates I had over the years with evangelical Protestants . In the coming Sundays I will copy some of my interventions. That was an intense and, in many ways, exciting time in my life . The need not to screw up in order to, even indirectly, avoid giving the Catholic faith a bad place, made me study a lot, which has served me very well in later times. Although the veracity and strength of the Church's faith does not depend on who defends it, we must not fall into the error of launching into an apologetic task on the Internet without having sufficient training. There are many , too many, Catholics who enter forums, chats and blogs to debate with Protestants, members of sects, atheists, etc., without being prepared for such a thing . That does no good to the Church but, above all, it does no good to those who commit such a mistake. One of the fundamental issues on which Catholics and Protestants do not and will never agree is the role of Tradition in Revelation.
The Protestant believes that all Revelation is contained exclusively in Scripture ( sola scriptura ). Catholics accept Tradition as a source of Revelation . Do not confuse Tradition, with a capital “T”, with ecclesial traditions, with a lower case “t”. The truth Country Email List is that the New Testament includes certain statements that do not appear in the Old Testament but do appear in the non-biblical Jewish tradition . I wrote this on the forum in May 2002: Acts 7:53 You who received the law by angels, and did not keep it. Gal 3:19: So what is the purpose of the law? It was added because of transgressions, until the seed to whom the promise was made should come; and it was ordained through angels in the hand of a mediator. See also Heb 2:2. Where in the Old Testament is it taught that the Law was given through angels? In none. Where then does this statement come from that the Mosaic Law was given by angels? from the Bible? No, from Jewish tradition (Jubilee Book) 2nd Tim 3,8-9 And as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so they also resist the truth; men corrupt in understanding, reprobate in faith.
Where does the name of Pharaoh's magicians and sorcerers come from? From the Bible? No, from popular Jewish tradition (Targum TEx Hebrews 11:37: They were stoned, they were sawn in pieces, they were put to the test, they were killed by the edge of the sword; They walked from here to there covered in sheep and goat skins, poor, distressed, mistreated; Does the OT speak of any prophet who was sawn? No, but in Jewish tradition it was taught that this is how Isaiah died (AscIs 5,11-14) Jude 8-9 But when Michael the archangel contended with the devil, disputing with him about the body of Moses, he did not dare to bring a curse against him, but said, The Lord rebuke you. Is such a fact reflected in the OT? No. It is in Jewish tradition, in the book “Assumption of Moses.”